Expert Advice
Talk to our Debt Counsellors Today
Money doesn’t only affect your bank balance.
Unfortunately, it can cause many problems in your life as well as your family’s lives. With the right advice, these problems can be avoided or controlled to minimise its impact. We’ve asked the top legal, financial and emotional counsellors to share their expert advice on dealing with debt-related problems in your life.
Till debt do us part
Dealing with debt stress as a couple. Written by psychologist Lauren Claassen
According to The Dollar Stretcher, financial reasons are cited as one of the major causes of couples who got or who are in the process of getting divorced. Approximately 80% of couples expressed that financial…
Five signs that you are debt stressed
Your bank balance isn’t the only thing that suffers when you’re in debt! – Written by psychologist Lauren Claassen
We’ve all experienced stress at some point in our lives. That first day on the job, meeting new people, exploring unfamiliar places and experiences can all trigger a stress response.
Is my impulse shopping causing my debt?
Quick techniques to help you think twice before you impulse-buy. – Written by psychologist Lauren Claassen.
A very dear friend of mine has a problem. She’s an addict. Like all addicts, she experiences uncontrollable urges. She obsesses and before she knows it…
The ugly truth about debt consolidation
Seventy per cent of people who take out consolidated loans end up in bad debt again. Here’s why.
In almost 90% of cases at DebtCare, clients considered debt consolidation as the answer to their bad debt. It seems simple, doesn’t it?
Good debt vs Bad debt
Debt can have a disabling effect if not managed correctly. But it can also be a great source of wealth.
Debt can be explained in a very simple way. Good debt is when you buy something on credit that has the potential to increase in…
Are you over-indebted? Take our Debt Test.
Answer yes or no to the questions below to find out if you are over-indebted. Yes No Are you spending more than 20% of your net income on credit card bills? Are you borrowing money to pay off debt? Are you paying your bills on time but running out of cash between paydays?
2016 Mini Budget Speech
Answer yes or no to the questions below to find out if you are over-indebted. Yes No Are you spending more than 20% of your net income on credit card bills? Are you borrowing money to pay off debt? Are you paying your bills on time but running out of cash between paydays?
Is Trump trouble for South African debt?
Just when we thought 2016 couldn’t get more interesting, Donald Trump gets elected as president of the United States. After months of tireless campaigning across
Ten budget tips for the new year
If you are anything like us, your News Year’s resolutions probably included weight loss and better budgeting for 2017. In fact, 90% of all New
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